Tag: landry


Says the State of Louisiana, I shall mock God…

I shall mock God by placing a copy of the Ten Commandments in every school in a state legendary for its corruption, bribery, extortion, so that all may see how we laugh at God’s requirements of justice and truth.

I shall mock God by placing His Word where the Black first-grader who had nothing for breakfast can see it and know the state mocks suffer the little children unto me.

I shall mock God by placing His Word where the innocent in jail can see it know the State of Louisiana jeers at justice, justice thou shalt pursue.

I shall mock God by placing His Word before all in a state where millions die without medical care, rejoicing in mocking Christ’s commandment to care for the sick.

I shall mock God by placing His Word where those breaking their back working and living in hovels can see how the State of Louisiana roars with laughter at each man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree.

I shall mock God by placing His Word where the shadow of the noose still falls over all, and delight in the perversion of God’s commandment you shall not hate your neighbor in your heart.

I shall mock God by placing His Word above lakes, rivers and earth God made now so fouled with filth and poison they are unlivable, and rejoice in how we have defiled God’s creation.

I shall mock God by placing His Word before the children of a state that disavows every variation of love your neighbor as yourself in every action, laughing at Jesus Christ, Moses and God, teaching the little ones that in this state we place the Commandments before you while showing you how much contempt we have for God, how much we laugh at His word, and send the message in this state we rejoice in taunting you with words we your leaders will never obey, so that you may know we will place every false God – greed, corruption, hatred, spite, jealousy, falsehood, hypocrisy, theft, fraud and cruelty – before the Lord God.
