Tag: retirees

On Watching the Democratic Party Walk Donald Trump Back into the White House, Part One

Every time I think the Democratic Party can’t show more contempt for the working people of this country, they do.

A perfect example is a recent decision by Arizona governor Katie Hobbs to take back the Social Security cost-of-living increase from thousands of retired Arizonans.

It’s not bad enough that the Democratic Party has lied and lied and lied about inflation for the past three years, claiming the increase in prices was 8% when in fact prices on thousands of items have doubled along with rent (and everyone knows it). It’s not bad enough that they did absolutely nothing while a group of crooks and swindlers made life a living hell for millions of working Americans by skyrocketing prices. No, the Governor of Arizona felt a need to show her complete contempt for working people by crowing about a balanced budget, having chosen to balance that budget by taking away the entire COLA from thousands of retired truck drivers and schoolteachers subsisting on food stamps.

Forty years of hard work and Governor Hobbs had to take away even the pitifully inadequate increase from these people – while showering tax dollars on corporations like Cox that have taken PPP funds and then shipped jobs overseas, and private equity firms driving the price of homes through the roof to make a bunch of foreign crooks rich.

Is it possible for the Democratic Party to indicate any more clearly the complete and utter contempt they have for anyone who works for a living?

I sent a letter to the governor’s office regarding the matter and received a reply so frigid, soulless and dripping with contempt for retirees and working people that it staggers the mind.

While throwing taxpayer dollars and tax breaks to every crook who’s made a campaign contribution – as well as contracts that charge the taxpayers of Arizona ten times what they should be paying for goods and services – the governor finds sentencing people who have worked their asses off all their lives to starvation “regrettable” That’s right – it’s “regrettable” that a truck driver who wore out his kidneys driving food to market for forty years can now eat cat food for dinner thanks to Governor Hobbs.

Even more revolting: Governor Hobbs considers preventing seniors from experiencing malnutrition, homelessness and disease “wasteful spending.” Of course, throwing your tax dollars to every crook who wants a fat and cushy contract isn’t wasteful spending; letting half of northern Arizona serve as a haven for California’s biggest tax avoiders isn’t wasteful spending; and letting every Chinese and Russian crook with money in private equity price houses out of reach while getting tax breaks to do it isn’t wasteful spending.

But making certain a teacher who spent forty years teaching kids to read doesn’t wind up sleeping under an overpass or counting tea with milk as a meal is “wasteful spending.”

Is it humanly possible for the Governor to indicate more clearly that working your ass off for forty years means nothing to her?

“Regrettable.” Taking food out of the mouth of a mother fighting cancer is “regrettable,” and is Governor Katie Hobb’s — and the Democratic Party’s — way of showing you how much they don’t care about anyone who can’t write their campaign a fat check.

Governor Hobbs is the quintessential example of why the Democratic Party can’t be trusted to get the backs of anyone who works for a living.

When Donald Trump is elected president on November 5, 2024, the first people he will need to thank will be the Democratic Party, for displaying utter and total contempt for families, workers and retirees everywere.

In the meantime, remember this: every time a Democrat screws over the working class, hands another crooked corporation a fat pile of cash, and lies about inflation, a Trump voter gets his wings.


If you’d like to let Governor Hobbs know how you feel about her priorities, you can email her at engage@az.gov, or visit https://azgovernor.gov.

Note: an earlier version of this blog erroneously referred to the outsourcing of jobs after receiving PPP funds as “breakng federal law” due to a copy-and -paste mistake. I regret the error.